来源:苏州碟科数据恢复 发布时间:2010.07.08

NAND FLASH存储已经应用到电子数据存储的各个领域,以其能耗低,静音速度快并已经向传统磁信号存储原理的机械硬盘发起挑战,相信不久将来NAND FLASH芯片成本下降,会占领存储应用领域的大部份市场。
目前研究对NAND FLASH的恢复,主要是对主控芯片的控制方案研究,像目前针对U盘的恢复大部份公司是对晶振 电源模块的外围电路的检测和修复,但很多故障是由于U盘瞬间插拔,电路浪涌引起主控制芯片损坏,这类问题相对恢复数据的难度比较大,传统的方法是用同型号的主控进行重新量产和替代,有可能会恢复U盘内的数据,但对于繁多的主控和NAND FLASH内的存储结构不同,这类方法的成功率是非常低的。对于SSD固态硬盘这种恢复方案根本不可能成功。
Structurally, a flash drive consists of interface slot, controller and memory microchips.
if you want to recover data from the drive that is not detected by PC when connected to motherboard, or a message appears that the drive is not accessible, do the following:
1. Unsolder memory microchips of the drive with the help of a soldering station.
2. Read data from microchips with the special reading device - PC Flash Reader.
3. Launch PC-3000 Flash SSD Edition tool, get a result in a form of disk image with user data.
PC-3000 Flash SSD Edition has a great number of completely automatic data recovery methods and methods that allow to manually execute single actions of the whole process:
- To make reading process automatic, PC-3000 Flash SSD Edition solution has a great database of flash memory microchips.
- Besides automatic modes of data recovery and analysis, our solution offers wide opportunities for individual study of recovery task with the help of large range of special utilities.
PC-3000 Flash SSD Edition allows you to successfully recover data from flash drives at:
- physical damages of the drive:
- damaged USB ports
- damaged controller microchip
- malfunctions of electonic units
- damaged logical board because of mechanical impact
- logical damages of file system
- data deleted by error
- software errors after which data are not read or lost (drive was disconnected during data transfer)
- defects in service area used by controller in translation mechanism.
PC Flash Reader from
PC-3000 Flash SSD Edition suite reads all microchips corresponding to NAND Flash interface specification.
Besides the models given in the list below, you can see a lot of them in our
Global Solution Centre
Vendor |
Marking |
Capacity, Мб |
Samsung |
K9F2808 |
16 |
K9F5808 |
32 |
K9F1208 |
64 |
K9F1G08 |
128 |
K9F1G16 |
128 |
K9F2G08 |
256 |
K9K2G08 |
256 |
K9K2G16 |
256 |
K9K4G08 |
512 |
K9K8G08 |
1024 |
K9W4G08 |
512 |
K9W4G16 |
512 |
K9W8G08 |
1024 |
K9L8G08 |
1024 |
K9LAG08 |
2048 |
K9G8G08 |
1024 |
K9GAG08 |
2048 |
K9HBG08 |
4096 |
K9NBG08 |
4096 |
Toshiba |
TC58NVG0 |
128 |
TC58NVG1 |
256 |
TC58NVG2 |
512 |
TC58NVG3 |
1024 |
TC58NVG4 |
2048 |
TH58NVG1 |
256 |
TH58NVG2 |
512 |
TH58NVG3 |
1024 |
TH58NVG4 |
2048 |
TH58DVG2 |
512 |
TC58DVM72A |
256 |
TH58NVG2S3 |
512 |
H518G16M |
1024 |
Hynix |
HY27UA081G1 |
128 |
HY27UF081G2 |
128 |
HY27UG082G |
256 |
HY27UG082G4 |
256 |
HY27UT084G |
512 |
HY27UT084G2 |
512 |
HY27UT088G |
1024 |
HY27UT088G2 |
1024 |
HY27UH088G |
1024 |
HY27UV08AG5 |
2048 |
HY27UV08BG5 |
4096 |
SanDisk |
SDTNFCH-1024 |
128 |
512 |
Intel |
29F08G08AAMB2 |
1024 |
29F16G08AAMC1 |
2048 |
Micron |
MT29F2G08 |
256 |
512 |
MTF4G08 |
512 |
29F08G08AAMB2 |
1024 |
MT29F8G08 |
1024 |
VData |
VD101M3MC03 |
512 |
PC-3000 Flash SSD Edition hardware-software solution we have implemented the great number of algorithms which enable to recover data from the most flash drives. These algorithms support a high number of controllers used in flash memory cards.
Some of supported controllers (the list of controllers is not full because there are many controllers which use the algorithms supported by the utility that are not listed here):
Vendor |
Controller |
OTI 002168T |
OTI 006828 |
OTI 002168 |
AU6386 |
AU6389 |
AU6981 |
AU6982 |
AU9380B29-CCL |
AU6380 |
AU6980 |
SMxxxx |
SM324QF |
SM266BF |
SM321QF |
SM321CF |
SM222TF |
USBest |
UT161-T6G |
UT163-L6 |
UT161-T6 |
UT161-LHG |
UT163-T6 |
UT163-L6 |
UT165-L64 |
UT166 |
PS2134CE-G |
PS2232BC-F |
PS2136CF-G |
PS2134CH-G |
PS2136CC-G |
PS2134CI-G |
PS2151 |
Other controllers |
Lexar |
MemoryStick |
SKxxxx |
PL-2515 |
SD |
Support of new algorithms and controllers will be added when you install the updates of PC-3000 Flash from our website, and also use
Global Solution Centre.
Structurally, SSD is like a «big flash drive». It differs in significantly higher number of memory microchips. Also rather complex algorithms of data distribution that enable to increase speed of access to data and improve drive safety is one more fundamental difference.
We can divide a task to recover data from SSD into several stages: 1. It is necessary to disassemble the package of your drive and unsolder all memory microchips.
2. After it, you should read memory microchips to computer hard disk drive with the help of special reading device - PC Flash Reader, version 2.0.

When reading, it is very important to follow the advised order for each single type of SSD, because this will allow not only to facilitate the task but also use solutions with a proven track record.

Following this order, read data from microchip with the help of special device - PC Flash Reader.
3. Launch PC-3000 Flash SSD Edition tool and, observing the recommendations for the certain type of drives, get a result in a form of disk image with user data ready to be copied or saved.
4. To solve cases of logical damage in partition or file system, software has a big number of analysis and logical recovery methods. New data recovery algorithms have been added to
PC-3000 Flash SSD Edition software which are intended specially for SSD. Tailored “Transformation Graph” mode helps to control correct execution of operations when working with a big number of memory microchips.
Certain data recovery methods for different SSD types are accompanied by recommendations and references which helps to save the time and make data recovery process much more effective.
Global Solutions Centre is a great help at data recovery from SSD. Vast numbers of solution methods for many different flash data recovery cases, including SSD cases can help to get a successful data recovery in much shorter time, even in 3-5 minutes!
PC-3000 Flash SSD Edition allows you to successfully recover data from SSD at:
- physically damaged SSD:
- damaged slots
- damaged controller microchip
- malfunctions of electonic units
- damaged logical board because of mechanical impact
- logical damages of file system
- data deleted by error
The probability of failures in SSD is very high because SSD are oftener and oftener used as system disks, and subjected to heavy load at OS work.
- logical damages of service data
SSD have areas, that are used to keep service information necessary for drive functionality. These areas do not have user data stored but corruption of information in these areas causes damage of the whole drive and as a result it does not work anymore.
PC-3000 Flash SSD Edition supports all main models of flash drive controllers and 50% of SSD controllers existing for the time being. We are constantly working on adding new algorithms to this product and studying the principles of operation applied in new controllers. Despite the variety of SSD, only four types of controllers are mostly used in SSD internal structure. These controllers are being developed and manufactured by specialized companies.
Here you can see the table that shows how the produced controllers are used by the different manufacturers of SSD.